Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Notarize Pictures?

I bet many of us haven't seen or heard of notarizing a persons photograph. Many Notaries haven't themselves experienced anything like this. But it is sad that some organizations especially government organizations need pictures to be notarized especially if you are getting done something by mail.

One example is to renew your passport by mail. The passport authority has to confirm your identity using the picture you send by mail. I didn't have any clue how to get this done so I went looking for notaries who can do this and many didn't know how to do it.

I went to AAA, UPS and MailBoxes Etc and they didn't know how to do it and some also mentioned that the California law doesn't let them do it.

After a little bit of quest, I found that notarizing a photograph is far more simpler than I had thought. All you need is swear in statement on a paper and have your picture, sign and date it. See below. Just copy this onto a word document, fill your name and print it out. Attach photograph and take it to the Notary. You are all done.



I, <YOUR NAME> hereby swear (or affirm) that the above photograph attached to this document is mine and I am the person in the photograph.

(Signature of Document Custodian)

State of California
County of _____________________
Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me on this _______day of ______________, 20____
by ___________________________________________________________________

proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me.

(Signature of Notary Public) (Notary Seal)

Also see the below screen shot

I am not a Notarizer, but I hope this helps. If this has saved you time and money please contribute by donating. Thanks.

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